FE #3


I get to be there for the morning meeting and it is so much fun to see all the different things they talk about. They watch the announcements and then they go get their mini whiteboards and write the answers to the questions or topics that we are talking about. In class, we have also been discussing using details in writing and noticing how authors use detail, so it is very interesting to see how if it is a subject or topic they are excited about their answers will be better and more in detail rather than if it wasn’t something they cared about.

Learning Experiences

This week I thought a mini-lesson. I started off the whole day by doing the morning wake up song we play every day and then watching a Go Noodle. They get all their morning wiggles out before we start morning meeting and then the day begins. It was the day of the school carnival and they were very excited, so the class before I planned out what I was going to say. I ended it by asking them a question:  “What is your favorite food at the carnival?”. It seems like it has nothing to do with learning but after they all answered we found the three most popular and then we took a “survey”. It was because during math they were going to be talking about surveys so I was introducing them to the math lesson without them even knowing. I thought this was a really good way to introduce them to new vocabulary and topics without overwhelming them and tying it into something they care about.


After doing the mini-lesson I am very excited to teach a whole lesson to them. Thinking back to it I remember the kids that weren’t paying attention and having trouble sitting beside the people they were. I think to make sure that my lesson goes super smoothly I am going to need to keep those kids in mind when I am planning everything and how to keep them engaged.



There are a couple girls in the class who ask me every time I am there if I am staying all day. I always say no but that the day is coming up soon. One of the girls asked me why I stay in another teachers room all day and not theirs. I had to explain to her that she doesn’t see me in the morning in the other room an that I only come in the afternoon for another class. She got very upset because she thought that I just didn’t want to stay with them all day. She was under the impression that after I left I just went home, and that I didn’t have school. It is funny sometimes when the kids have no concept of time.

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